My decision to dive headfirst into the world of wedding planning was not made overnight. I have planned different events over the years and I could no longer ignore my gut telling me that weddings was where I belonged.
Of course, there is the allure of the joyous and celebratory atmosphere of weddings as well as the satisfaction that planners feel when they have hugged their happy couple good-bye at the end of the night. Not to forget the beautiful venues, the vendor collaboration, the music, the entertainment and the gracious complements for a successful day. All those reasons can be found planning other events too so why do weddings have such an appeal to me?
When I found myself holding back the tears at different moments throughout each wedding, I realized it was the moments of connection that held a much deeper meaning and purpose than a one day celebration of the love between two people.
The moments of connection when...
Dads let go of their daughter's hand after walking her down the aisle, give her a kiss on the cheek and retreat to their seat with the memories of every Daddy/Daughter moment up until this day racing through their minds.
Partners make vows to the children in their new blended families.
Moms pin the boutonniere on their son's lapel then stand back to admire how handsome they are while taking a long deep breath to help hold back the tears.
Partners bravely say their "I dos" and lovingly embrace despite the social norms.
Grandparents struggle to make their way through a crowded room just to tell the couple how beautiful they are.
Grooms work so hard to hold back the tears as they wait for their Bride to arrive at the alter and their Best Man pats him on the back for support.
Friends have practiced for weeks to come together and surprise the guests with a choreographed dance that gets the party started.
These moments are...
the Wedding Connection.
Weddings are a time to honour the couple, the love and bond they share and the promises they make to each other. I believe that couples who decide to host a wedding and be vulnerable in front of those who love and support them are also builders of community and connection all around them.
Weddings provide an opportunity for
relationships between family and friends
to flourish, for love to be expressed openly,
and for bonds to strengthen.
Weddings connect generations. Seniors share their wisdom and their own love stories as well as offer blessings for the couples' future. Younger generations and children bring youth and enthusiasm with new ideas to add to family traditions.
Weddings can also be a beautiful fusion of different cultures, lifestyles and traditions which prove that love is Universal.
Weddings showcase the richness of our global society. Guests from different parts of the world and walks of life connect, share stories, and create lasting memories.
Many wedding rituals symbolize the connection between the past, present and future. They invite us to think about the connection between the couple and their heritage.
Weddings are not merely about the celebration
of two people in love;
they are about celebrating the web of connections
that make us human.
They remind us that, at our core,
we are social beings who thrive on love,
relationships and shared experiences.
Weddings foster a sense of community and belonging that extends far beyond the event itself. Weddings are a celebration of hope and the promise which resonates with everyone present, connecting them to their own dreams and aspirations.
I can't help but look forward to working with couples to plan their wedding, share their love story and create space for wedding connections.